Falco moluccensis This picture taked in Napu valley area Dodolo village around at 29 august 2008 the electric cable on road Napu - Besoa. A widespread resident. Generally moderately common to common, most frequent in coastal lowland areas; also locally in upland valleys, such as in Central Sulawesi. Inhabits Imperata grassland with scattered trees, lightly wooded cultivation, and the edges of primary and tall secondary forest; also occasionally along logging roads deep into forest, in clearing within forested areas, and in areas of human habitation (including the vicinity of towns). Small (28-38cm), Rich chestnut crown upperparts; heavily marked back and wings; grey tail; heavily spotted underparts; dark moustachial streak. Sometime hovers. Male: pale grey tail with a black subterminal band. Female: barred tail. Imm: like female but darker, more heavily barred with black; primaries browner; tail more rufous. (J.Coates; guide to the Birds of wallacea)