The following sites represent some of the best and most readily accessible birding areas in Wallacea. Permits to visit all reserves (National Park, strict nature reserves and hunting reserves) must be obtained prior to entry of any such area. Permits for national park can be obtained at the respective park headquarters offices.
Tangkoko Dua Sudara - area: 87 sq km. Elevation: 0-1100m. Status: Strict Nature Reserve. A small but nevertheless very valuable and notably bird-rich reserve within two hours drive of the city of Manado. Perhaps the best place to see Sulawesi's endemic forest-dwelling kingfishers as well as the elusive Red-backed Trush and Small Sulawesi Hanging-parrot.
Domuga-Bone National Park - area: 3000 sq km. Elevation: 100-1970m. Status: National Park. A major conservation area supporting a large proportion of Sulawesi's endemic lowland and mind-elevation birds and mammals. Birds of special note include Minahasa Masked Owl, Maleo (probably the best site to see this bird); Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail and Pied Cuckoo-shrike.
Lore Lindu - Area: 2290 sq km. Elevation 200-2356m. Status: National Park. An exceptionally rich area harbouring approximately 78% of Sulawesi's endemic birds in addition to many of its large mammals. A well established road provides relatively easy access to superb mid-montane forest at c. 1600m. Thereafter an increasingly eroded, overgrown logging road provides access to elevation up to 2200m near the summit of Gng Rorekatimbu and some magnificent montane forest. The park harbours all but three species of Sulawesi's montane birds. Howeever, the park encompasses very little undisturbed lowland forest, consequently some lowland species may be easier to find at the previous two sites.
Morowali -

Area: 2000 sq km. Elevation: 0-2600m. Status: Strict Nature Reserve. Located on the little studied central-eastern peninsula, Morowali encompasses an interesting mosaic of forest on ultrabasic soils, limestone and alluvial plains. Thisrarely birded reserve would certainly repay further investigation.
Rawa Aopa/Watumohae - Area: 968 sq km. Elevation: 100-1000m. Status National Park. An interesting combination of swamp. hill and coastal forest. Virtually no birders have visited this area and it remains ornithologycally poorly know.
Bantimurung and Karaenta - Area: 20,018ha. Elevation: 100-750m. Status: National Park. A attractive reserve encompassing lowland and foothill forest, including some inaccessible limestone karst country. The reserve supports a number of Sulawesi's endemic and localised resident birds including the Black-ringed White-eye.
Lompobattang Massif - Area: c. 20,000ha. Elevation: 1000-2900m. Status: Proposed Strict Nature Reserve. Home to many montane species including the little know and highly localised Lompobattang Flycatcher. The forest of this isolated massif, visible from Sulawesi' capital, Makasar, are under increasing threat as farmers continue to clear land for agriculture at higher and higher elevations. (book of Guide to the BIRDS OF WALLACEA)