Easily accessible from Palu is lake Lindu, a huge and beautiful lake by forested mountains. There are several short walks around the lake, and it’s also possible to do a longer trek eastwards across the park to Kamarora. Even with a 17 kilometre (10 mile) uphill walk or motorcycle ride from Sidaunta to get there.
The enclave, at 1000 m asl, covers 6,000 ha, over half of which is covered by Lake Lindu. The lake provides an excellent place to view water birds and migratory waders that often use it as a resting stop. The ideal way to bird-watch is by canoe and it provides a pleasant break from trekking. There are also plenty of birds of prey. Bamba, in the north, is a garden site with no village and is an excellent birdwatching locale.
Isabel bush hen; White breasted waterhen; Sunda Teal; Eurasian wigeon; garganey; Pacific black duck; Indian Darter; Platen's Rail; Purple heron; Great billed heron; Javan Pond Heron; Cattle egret; wandering whistling duck; spotted whistling duck; Water Cock; common moorhen; dusky moorhen; buff banded rail; barred rail; Brahminy Kite; Cinnamon bittern; Yellow bittern; Rufous night heron; Black crowned night heron; white browed crake; Purple swamphen; ruddy breasted crake; Black naped fruit dove; Slaty legged crake; Sulawesi Serpent Eagle; black throated little grebe; red throated little grebe; Sulawesi King Starling.