There are 21 species of lizard in the park and many of Sulawesi's 68 species of snakes can also be found here, including the python (Python reticulatus) and King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah). The most commonly seen snakes are the racers (Elaphe erythrura and E. janseni). The reticulated python is the longest snake in the world, and common in many parts of southeast Asia. The longest python ever recorded, a specimen measuring 9.97 m in length, was collected in Sulawesi. Occasionally these pythons take large prey and in March 1998 a man was eaten in Kulawi by a 5 m specimen that was later killed. python are also sometimes hunted for their skin and meat.
Twenty one species of amphibians and six fish species, including an endemic species in lake Lindu,
Xenopoedilus sarasinorum, have been identified within the park. Eels are common in all park streams but fish are found only in the larger rivers and lakes (book of A Visitor's guide Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi,2001)