Friday, January 30, 2009
Spotted Kestrel
Falco moluccensis This picture taked in Napu valley area Dodolo village around at 29 august 2008 the electric cable on road Napu - Besoa. A widespread resident. Generally moderately common to common, most frequent in coastal lowland areas; also locally in upland valleys, such as in Central Sulawesi. Inhabits Imperata grassland with scattered trees, lightly wooded cultivation, and the edges of primary and tall secondary forest; also occasionally along logging roads deep into forest, in clearing within forested areas, and in areas of human habitation (including the vicinity of towns). Small (28-38cm), Rich chestnut crown upperparts; heavily marked back and wings; grey tail; heavily spotted underparts; dark moustachial streak. Sometime hovers. Male: pale grey tail with a black subterminal band. Female: barred tail. Imm: like female but darker, more heavily barred with black; primaries browner; tail more rufous. (J.Coates; guide to the Birds of wallacea)
Friday, January 23, 2009
eucalyptus deglupta
One of the most well-known is the gum tree Eucalyptus deglupta, known locally as Leda. Quite common, and easily recognised by its smooth, startlingly patterned, green-pink bark, the tree grows to around 60 m in height with a girth of 1.5 m. Commercially important, it has extraordinarily high growth rates and is used in tropical forestry projects around the world. Native to the park, it is common on river flats.
Lake Lindu Enclave
Easily accessible from Palu is lake Lindu, a huge and beautiful lake by forested mountains. There are several short walks around the lake, and it’s also possible to do a longer trek eastwards across the park to Kamarora. Even with a 17 kilometre (10 mile) uphill walk or motorcycle ride from Sidaunta to get there.
The enclave, at 1000 m asl, covers 6,000 ha, over half of which is covered by Lake Lindu. The lake provides an excellent place to view water birds and migratory waders that often use it as a resting stop. The ideal way to bird-watch is by canoe and it provides a pleasant break from trekking. There are also plenty of birds of prey. Bamba, in the north, is a garden site with no village and is an excellent birdwatching locale.
Isabel bush hen; White breasted waterhen; Sunda Teal; Eurasian wigeon; garganey; Pacific black duck; Indian Darter; Platen's Rail; Purple heron; Great billed heron; Javan Pond Heron; Cattle egret; wandering whistling duck; spotted whistling duck; Water Cock; common moorhen; dusky moorhen; buff banded rail; barred rail; Brahminy Kite; Cinnamon bittern; Yellow bittern; Rufous night heron; Black crowned night heron; white browed crake; Purple swamphen; ruddy breasted crake; Black naped fruit dove; Slaty legged crake; Sulawesi Serpent Eagle; black throated little grebe; red throated little grebe; Sulawesi King Starling.
Salibu; Danau Kalimpa'a dan Anaso
Salibu; Danau Kalimpaa dan Anaso, merupakan tempat terbaik untuk melakukan pengamatan burung disekitar TNLL. Hutan dataran tinggi yang terletak di wilayah lembah Napu dengan ketinggian antara 1200 – 2600 mdpl, memungkinkan kita untuk menjumpai berbagai jenis burung endemik Sulawesi yang kebanyakan hidup di habitat dataran tinggi. Geomalia dan Malia grata adalah dua burung endemik genus yang dapat kita jumpai di lokasi ini, jenis burung purba yang bertahan hidup di dataran tinggi ini sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan habitat. Selain kedua jenis ini berbagai jenis endemik Sulawesi lain dapat kita temukan dengan mudah dilokasi ini a.l :
Sulawesi King Starling; Chestnut backed Bush Warbler; Pygmy Cuckoo Shrike; Sulawesi Cicadabird; Piping Crow; Blue-fronted Flycatcher; Sulawesi Woodpecker; Red headed Flowerpecker; Sulawesi Montane Drongo; White bellied Imperial pigeon; Fiery browed Starling; Streakyheaded Whiteeye; Purple barded beeeater; Ashy Woodpecker; Dark eared Myna; Northern Spotheaded Honeysucker; Cinnabar Boobok; Sulphurvented Whistler; Yellow billed Malcoha; Sulawesi Leaf Warbler; Sulawesi Rufous Fantail; Sulawesi Red knodbed Hornbill; Grosbeak Starling; Sulawesi Babbler; Sulawesi hanging parrot; Golden-mantled Racquet-tail; Red eared fruit dove.
Dan jika beruntung kita dapat melihat beberapa jenis burung endemic yang sukar untuk dijumpai langsung karena populasi dan kebiasaan yang menyendiri a.l:
Platen's Rail; Sulawesi Thrush; Satanic Nightjar; Sulawesi Mountain Thrush; Blue faced Rail; Sulawesi Shortwing; Yellow flanked Whistler; Sula Jungle Flycatcher; Sulawesi Woodcock.
Lore Lindu Birding Amazing
Lore Lindu National Park is one of Sulawesi’s most important biological refuges. It contains large areas of relatively untouched terrain and varied habitats, which include lowland and upper montane forests, rivers, lakes and hot springs.
Officially declared a national park on June 23, 1999, it’s formation amalgamated three existing reserves: the Lore Kalamata Nature Reserve, which was set aside for the protection of Sulawesi’s unique endemic fauna; the lake Lindu recreation and protection forests, established to protect the catchment area of the Plau valley’s Gumbasa river irrigation scheme. The new park covers an area of 217,991 ha.
“It is the best single location for seeing Sulawesi’s endemic birds.”
225 species birds, 78 species is endemic Sulawesi, only 3 – 4 days we need to bird watch.
Taman Nasional Lore Lindu di tetapkan pada 23 Juni 1999 oleh Menteri Kehutanan dan Perkebunan melalui SK No. 464/Kpts-II/1999 dengan luas mencapai 217.991,18 ha. Secara umum Type hutan TNLL terbagi dalam dua ekosistem utama yakni Ekosistem Hutan Hujan Pegunungan (70 % wilayah TNLL) dan Ekosistem Hutan Hujan Dataran Rendah (30 % wilayah TNLL). Dengan luas kurang lebih 1.2 % dari wilayah Sulawesi kawasan ini menunjang berbagai avifauna khas Sulawesi termasuk burung. Dari 235 jenis burung di daratan Sulawesi, 225 jenis terdapat di kawasan ini. Diantaranya 78 jenis merupakan endemik Sulawesi. Wilayah bagian utara dari TNLL merupakan salah satu tujuan utama bagi pengamatan burung, 80 % dari jenis endemik sangat mungkin untuk dilihat dalam kurun waktu 3 – 4 hari. Selain hutan hujan yang mempesona kawasan ini juga memiliki dua habitat untuk burung air yakni Danau Lindu(3.488 ha) dan Danau Kalimpa 2,4 ha.
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