Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Birdwatching with Callyn Yorke
My birding pal, Christo, had already arranged our itinerary when I arrived at Bunaken. He met me at the dock in Manado, with Kiki, his brother-in-law, whom agreed to be our driver. Our first stop was an ATM, of which there are plenty in Manado (and elsewhere in Sulawesi). The conversion rate for US Dollars was about 1: 11,400 Indonesian Rupiah. Since the biggest currency denomination is a 100K Rupiah note (roughly $10), it seemed I would be carrying around a backpack full of cash just to cover basic food and transportation. And there was another inconvenience. Sulawesi ATM's dispense a maximum daily withdrawl ranging from US $50-$100. Fortunately, Most hotels and large stores accept VISA, which becomes pretty much a necessity for transactions exceeding $100. The good news: Sulawesi is much less expensive than Singapore. For example, deluxe accomodation on the Sulawesi mainland can be obtained for $50-60 US per day. Food is ridiculously inexpensive; a full, three-course Indonesian-style meal costs less than $5. Public transportation is just pennies per mile. Long-term drivers will negotiate reasonable prices for their service. Car rental is available for about $60 per day, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone lacking driving experience in the region.
Christophorus Merung Tangkoko National Park, Sulawesi 17 June 2014
Christo was the go-to guy for just about all of our needs. In addition to making logistic arrangements for us, he demonstrated expertise in natural history and especially Ornithology. Christo instantly identified the majority of birds we encountered and knew the Latin binomials for all of the Sulawesi birds (about 500 species). He had received his training while working for several international conservation organizations in Indonesia, including The Wildlife Conservation Society and The Nature Conservancy.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bird Survey Karst Beriun Mountain East Kalimantan Borneo
Laporan ini merupakan hasil pembahasan dari data yang dikumpulkan oleh The Nature Conservancy pada suvey keanerakaraman jenis burung di kawasan karst gunung Beriun pada tanggal 10 – 25 July 2011. Survey dilakukan pada satu lokasi dengan membuat 4 transek dengan panjang bervariasi antara 1800 – 3000 m; yang kebanyakan mengikuti transek dari orangutan pada hutan sekunder dengan ketinggian antara 100 – 600 mdpl.
Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan 2 metode survei kualitatif dan kuantitatif utama, yaitu:
Line transek: Survey dilakukan pada hutan sekunder dengan total panjang transek 23.8 km. kami mencatat kehadiran species melalui perjumpaan langsung dan estimasi jarak perpendikular pada setiap perjumpaan. Sedangkan jenis-jenis yang teridentifikasi melalui pendengaran cukup dicatat nama jenisnya saja serta informasi lainnya seperti lokasi habitat tanggal observasi, tanpa memperkirakan jarak perpendikularnya.
Bird mist netting: Selain pengumpulan data dengan line transek, kami juga melakukan survey dengan menggunakan jaring kabut. Lima net panjang 12 m x 2.6 m kami pasang pada hutan sekunder dengan ketinggian net sekitar 1 m dari permukaan tanah dengan total 1174.8 mist-net hours.
Survei line transek yang dilakukan pada 4 jalur utama dengan total panjang jalur 23.8 km, berhasil terlihat 71 jenis burung dari 28 famili dan hanya menemukan 2 jenis endemik kalimantan.
Informasi mengenai burung tidak hanya diperoleh dari hasil survei jalur saja, akan tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan data-data dari hasil bird mist-netting. Data ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan mist net (jaring kabut) dengan panjang sekitar 12 m x 2,6 m yang kami pasang dengan ketinggian 1 m dari permukaan tanah. Dengan total lama pasang net adalah 104.5 jam (enam hari, masing-masing 2-3 buah jaring setiap hari) nist net (satu jam mist net sebanding dengan satu meter jaring yang dibuka selama satu jam) dan berhasil menjaring 17 individu dari 10 spesies yang terjerat
Lampiran 1.Daftar jenis burung yang tercatat di kawasan Karst gunung Beriun selama survei 13 – 25 Juli 201
1 Alcedo meninting
2 Alcippe brunneicauda
3 Alophoixus bres
4 Alophoixus phaeocephalus
5 Anthracoceros albirostris
7 Anthracoceros malayanus
6 Arachnothera flavigaster
8 Arachnothera longirostra
9 Blythipicus rubiginosus
10 Buceros rhinoceros
11 Buceros vigil
12 Cacomantis sonneratii
13 Celeus brachyurus
14 Centropus bengalensis
15 Ceyx erithacus
16 Chloropsis cochinchinensis
17 Chloropsis cyanopogon
18 Chloropsis sonnerati
19 Collocalia esculenta
20 Collocalia fuciphaga
21 Collocalia maxima
22 Copsychus malabaricus
23 Copsychus saularis
24 Coracina fimbriata
25 Corvus enca
26 Culicicapa ceylonensis
27 Dicaeum trigonostigma
28 Dicaeum Ignipectus
29 Dicrurus aeneus
30 Dicrurus annectans
31 Dryocopus javensis
32 Ducula aenea
33 Enicurus leschenaulti
34 Enicurus ruficapillus
35 Eurylaimus ochromalus
36 Gracula religiosa
37 Harpactes duvaucelii
38 Harpactes kasumba
39 Hypogramma hypogrammicum
40 Hypothymis azurea
41 Indicator archipelagicus
42 Irena puella
43 Ixos malaccensis
44 Ketupa ketupu
45 Lophura bulweri
46 Lophura ignita
47 Macronous ptilosus
48 Malacocincla malaccensis
49 Malacopteron affine
50 Malacopteron cinereum
51 Malacopteron magnirostre
52 Malacopteron magnum
53 Megalaima rafflesii
54 Meiglyptes tristis
55 Meiglyptes tukki
56 Nyctyornis amictus
57 Oriolus cruentus
58 Oriolus xanthonotus
59 Orthotomus atrogularis
60 Orthotomus ruficeps
61 Pellorneum capistratum
62 Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus
63 Phaenicophaeus curvirostris
64 Philentoma pyrhopterum
65 Picumnus innominatus
66 Pitta granatina
67 Pomatorhinus montanus
68 Prionochilus xanthopygius
69 Pycnonotus atriceps
70 Pycnonotus brunneus
71 Pycnonotus cyaniventris
72 Pycnonotus erythropthalmos
73 Pycnonotus plumosus
74 Pycnonotus simplex
75 Pycnonotus tympanistrigus
76 Reinwardtipicus validus
77 Rhinomyias umbratilis
78 Rhipidura perlata
79 Sasia abnormis
80 Sitta frontalis
81 Spilornis cheela
82 Stachyris erythroptera
83 Stachyris poliocephala
84 Terpsiphone paradisi
85 Treron olax
86 Trichastoma rostratum
87 Tricholestes criniger
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Morowali Nature Reserve

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The rugged of interior of Lore Lindu National Park is home to Sulawesi's largest native mammals, the mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi), and Babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa). While the Anoa is spotted
occasionally, the Babirusa is now quite rare and unlike to be seen. The common Sulawesi Warty Pig (Sus celebensis), Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis), two species of Tarsier (Tasius dianae; T.pumilus), the Tonkean Macague (Macaca tonkeana), two species of the marsupial Cuscus (Aiulurops ursinus dan Strigocuscuc celebensis), and Sulawesi's largest carnivore, the nocturnal Sulawesi Civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroeckii)are know to live there. The park has at least five species of squirrel, and 31 of its 38 rat species are endemic. The most commonly seen animals are those that enjoy the secondary forest or agricultural areas and tolerate human presence. Many bats fall into this category and pigs and troupes of the macaque monkey are sometimes spotted raiding corn drops or cocoa plantations.

Reptiles; Fish and Amphibians


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