Yellow-bellied White eye; Small; All yellow underparts. Range: Sulawesi subregion, Moluccas (small island only) and W Lesser Sundas, Generally common; locally abundant (e.q. Tanahjampea and Besar). Inhabits secondary forest and open woodland, scrub, mangroves, cultivation, and village and urban garden. Lowland to 1000 (NCen Sulawesi), 1800m (S Sulawesi), 1500m (Lombok) and locally to 1200m (Main lowlands)(Flores). Usually in small flocks. Restless. Forages at all levels in the vegetation. visits fruiting trees. Other name:
Moluccan White-eye. This picture from urban garden in the city of Palu (Central Sulawesi Province) at 9 July 2009.

foto diambil pada tanggal 9 juli 2009 lokasi taman kantor Palu. Sangat umum ditemukan didataran rendah; sering terlihat dalam kelompok besar; kadang sedikit. menghuni hutan sekunder dan hutan terbuka, perdu, mangrove, lahan budidaya, pedesaan dan taman-taman kota. panjang tubuh sekitar 11 - 12 cm, tubuh bawah seluruhnya kuning, atas kuning keabu-abuan, ekor hitam agak kekuningan, lingkar mata putih.